Saturday, November 30, 2019

Music 6 Essay Example

Music 6 Paper Wagner had an opera house built specifically for the performance of his own pears in the German town of .. Bayreuth Which pair are operatic compositions by Wagner? Tannhauser and The Ring In Music, the early twentieth century was a time of Revolt and Change All of the following composers worked in the early years of the twentieth century EXCEPT Hector Berlioz The glissando, a technique widely used in the twentieth century is A rapid slide up or down a scale The most famous riot in music history occurred in Paris in 1913 at the first performance of Stravinskys Rite of Spring Of the following, who was not a major influence on the breakdown of realism in the early 20th century? Copland A fourth chord is A chord in which the tones are a fourth apart, instead of a third. Striking a group of adjacent keys on a piano with the fist or forearm with result in a Tone cluster When two different triads such as that built on E and that built on A, are played at the same time, the technique is known as A polychord Rhythm in music of the 20th century tends to be either very asymmetrical or very symmetrical. Ostinato A scale made up of just the black keys within the octave on the piano keyboard is called a . scale Pentatonic Impressionism in music is characterized by a stress on tone color, atmosphere, and fluidity The most impressionist composer was Claude Debussy Impressionist painting and symbolist poetry as artistic movements originated in .. France Of the following, who was known as a creator of orchestral versions of his own and others great piano works? Ravel The immense success of Stravinskys 1910 ballet the first original work he composed for Diaghilevs Ballet Russe, established him as a leading young composer The Firebird After studying law at the University of St. Petersburg, Stravinsky at the age of twenty one began to study composition privately with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Expressionism is an art concerned with Social protest and nightmarish states of mind Schoenbergs personality inspired love and loyalty among his students, including Alban Berg and Anton Webern Some of Bergs pieces call for an unusual style of vocal performance halfway between speaking and singing called Sprechstimme The ordering of twelve chromatic tones in a twelve-tone composition is called All of the above In the opera Wozzeck, the title character is Soldier Wozzeck drowns while searching for a Knife

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on A Critical Response To Flannery O Connor

Flannery O'Connor's story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† presents a great portrait of a woman who creates herself and a world through her she interpreted. At least that is what Mary Jane Shenck thinks of the Flannery O'Connor story. Several different people have several different views of this controversial and climatic work of O'Connor's. In this paper I will take a look at these different views of different situations and characters in this book. First we will take a look at grandmother. She is made to look like the saint in this story. She, in contrast to the rest, is the good person, always looking out for the best of others. She is not going on vacation; she is going to visit her connections in Tennessee. While on the drive, to their destination, she sits and admires the scenery as the others are more interested in the funny papers or the sports section. She brings the cat along on the trip for the good of the cat. She didn't want the cat to accidentally kill himself by turning on the gas on the stove or something. She is the Christ-like figure of this story, and this is more relevant at the end of the story when she confronts the Misfit. Just like in so many other O'Connor stories the grandmother, the good character, is going to take the hardest fall. The Misfit appears many different ways in this story. His first appearance in the story he seems to be a scholar. Wearing his silver-rimmed glasses and a black hat. This description would also fit a description of a rabbi. This image comes just by looking at his head. His shirtless torso and blue jeans, which didn't quite fit right, and gun in hand, kind of veer us away from thinking of him as being a good man. Of course the limitations of his character don't stop at his appearance. He also is a record keeper. He writes down everything he does and signs it. This way he knows what he has done and what he hasn't. He tells the grandmother this before killing her. The reason... Free Essays on A Critical Response To Flannery O Connor Free Essays on A Critical Response To Flannery O Connor Flannery O'Connor's story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† presents a great portrait of a woman who creates herself and a world through her she interpreted. At least that is what Mary Jane Shenck thinks of the Flannery O'Connor story. Several different people have several different views of this controversial and climatic work of O'Connor's. In this paper I will take a look at these different views of different situations and characters in this book. First we will take a look at grandmother. She is made to look like the saint in this story. She, in contrast to the rest, is the good person, always looking out for the best of others. She is not going on vacation; she is going to visit her connections in Tennessee. While on the drive, to their destination, she sits and admires the scenery as the others are more interested in the funny papers or the sports section. She brings the cat along on the trip for the good of the cat. She didn't want the cat to accidentally kill himself by turning on the gas on the stove or something. She is the Christ-like figure of this story, and this is more relevant at the end of the story when she confronts the Misfit. Just like in so many other O'Connor stories the grandmother, the good character, is going to take the hardest fall. The Misfit appears many different ways in this story. His first appearance in the story he seems to be a scholar. Wearing his silver-rimmed glasses and a black hat. This description would also fit a description of a rabbi. This image comes just by looking at his head. His shirtless torso and blue jeans, which didn't quite fit right, and gun in hand, kind of veer us away from thinking of him as being a good man. Of course the limitations of his character don't stop at his appearance. He also is a record keeper. He writes down everything he does and signs it. This way he knows what he has done and what he hasn't. He tells the grandmother this before killing her. The reason...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Qué esperar cuando un migrante es detenido por la migra

Quà © esperar cuando un migrante es detenido por la migra En Estados Unidos, los migrantes indocumentados pueden ser detenidos por las autoridades migratorias. Adems, en casos especà ­ficos los migrantes que se encuentran legalmente en el paà ­s pueden tambià ©n ser detenidos e iniciarse contra ellos un proceso de deportacià ³n. Puntos clave: migrantes detenidos ICE puede detener a migrantes legales por felonà ­as y a los indocumentados por felonà ­as o violaciones migratorias. Estar ilegalmente en EE.UU. es una violacià ³n migratoria.ICE decide quià ©n espera detenido a que se resuelva su caso o cundo pide fianza, entrega un grillete o da libertad bajo palabra. Los migrantes pueden pedir una vista para fianza ante un juez.En la actualidad, los casos de deportacià ³n que se resuelven en corte migratoria se demoran una media de ocho aà ±os.Los tiempos varà ­an segà ºn la ubicacià ³n de la Corte.  ¿Cules son las causas por las que los migrantes pueden ser detenidos por Inmigracià ³n? Las causas de la detencià ³n dependen del estatus migratorio del migrante. Asà ­, los residentes permanentes legales solo pueden ser detenidos por las autoridades migratorias si comenten ciertas felonà ­as. Por otra parte, otros extranjeros con estatus legal en EE.UU. pueden tener problemas migratorios por cometer delitos o violaciones migratorias. Por à ºltimo, los migrantes indocumentados pueden ser detenidos por delitos o violaciones migratorias o, simplemente, por carecer de estatus migratorio legal en el paà ­s.  ¿Cundo puede detenerse a un migrante y quià ©n? Los migrantes pueden ser detenidos por ICE o por otra autoridad y puestos posteriormente a disposicià ³n de ICE. Por ejemplo, los indocumentados pueden ser detenidos al cruzar ilegalmente la frontera, al presentarse sin papeles en un puesto fronterizo y reclamar asilo, en una inspeccià ³n por ICE de lugares de trabajo, en retenes en carretera a menos de 100 millas de la frontera, en controles en las cortes migratorias, etc. Cabe destacar en este punto que ninguna autoridad puede ingresar en los hogares de un migrante si no tiene una orden de arresto emitida por un juez. Tambià ©n pueden ser detenidos si son arrestados por cualquier autoridad local o estatal por delitos y tambià ©n por faltas, como por ejemplo manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol. Despuà ©s de ese arresto, se le toman las huellas digitales y se comparan con bases de datos federales. En ese momento, Inmigracià ³n puede detectar si la persona arrestada tiene una orden de deportacià ³n pendiente, tiene un I-94 expirado o carece de rà ©cord migratorio, lo cual en el caso de ser extranjero podrà ­a indicar que ingresà ³ al paà ­s ilegalmente Cuando Inmigracià ³n detecta uno de estos casos puede decidir emitir un hold o detainer que significa que la autoridad local o estatal debe retener ese migrante por un plazo mximo de 48 horas y entregarlo a ICE, si ese es el interà ©s de esta agencia. Sin embargo, en las autoridades locales o estatales pueden decidir no cumplir con ese hold. Finalmente, los residentes permanentes legales pueden ser detenidos por ICE al acabar de cumplir una sentencia penal. Trmites inmediatos cuando ICE detiene a un migrante Una vez que un migrante est bajo custodia de ICE, como regla general, esto es lo que sucede: el agente a cargo del caso llena formularios burocrticos de carcter internose llena  un informe que es el equivalente al reporte del arrestose toma la foto del arrestadoy tambià ©n se le toman las huellas digitales A continuacià ³n se comprueban las fotos y las huellas contra dos bases de datos enormes: IAFIS, que es del FBI, e IDENT que es del Departamento de Seguridad  Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En aproximadamente en un par de horas se obtienen los resultados y asà ­ se sabe si la persona arrestada tiene un pasado criminal, de violaciones migratorias, si ha utilizado otro nombre, si est buscado por las autoridades, etc. Sin embargo, ICE no realiza dichos trmites cuando el migrante ya està © identificado. Por ejemplo, cuando est ya en la crcel o cuando se notifica a Inmigracià ³n de que ha sido arrestado o detenido y las autoridades migratorias emiten un detainer o hold. Decisiones de ICE: detenido o en libertad ICE toma dos decisiones que son fundamentales. Por un lado, decide cules son los cargos, es decir, de quà © se le acusa al inmigrante. Por otro lado, ICE decide si deja en libertad al migrante mientras se tramita su caso y si le pide una fianza o establece otro medio de control,  o, por el contrario, debe continuar detenido mientras no se resuelve su situacià ³n. Para decidir si se le deja en libertad o no se tienen en cuenta factores como: el riesgo que el arrestado puede ser para la sociedad. Asà ­, los criminales van a quedar detenidos.el riesgo de que el arrestado se escape o de que no se presente a una cita con las autoridades de inmigracià ³n. ICE suele dejar en libertad a los residentes permanentes legales que han sido detenidos por una accià ³n que no es un delito agravado. Tambià ©n quedan frecuentemente en libertad mientras se tramita su caso las embarazadas y mujeres o familias acompaà ±adas por nià ±os que acaban de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera. Asimismo, los cuidadores principales de una persona que no puede valerse por sà ­ mismas. Y, finalmente, los indocumentados que llevan tiempo viviendo en Estados Unidos pero no tienen rà ©cord criminal ni orden previa de deportacià ³n  y se considera que no son un riesgo de fuga. Por ejemplo, porque tienen hijos que son ciudadanos estadounidenses. El hecho de que frecuentemente esas categorà ­as de personas sean puestas en libertad no quiere decir que las autoridades migratorias està ©n obligadas a hacerlo. En la prctica, hay adems otras consideraciones, como por ejemplo, el nà ºmero de camas disponibles en un determinado momento en los centros de detencià ³n. Cabe destacar que los migrantes pueden ser enviados a centros alejados de su lugar de residencia o del punto por el que ingresaron ilegalmente al paà ­s. Si ICE pone en libertad al migrante mientras se resuelve caso Pueden darse los siguientes supuestos: OR: es decir, se le deja libre hasta que se resuelva el caso siendo suficiente la palabra del inmigrante de que no va a ignorar las citaciones de Inmigracià ³n.   Brazalete o grillete en el tobillo de vigilancia o lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como Alternative to Detention (ATD). En la prctica supone una situacià ³n de arresto domiciliario. Adems, son frecuentes las quejas por incomodidad o heridas que causan en el tobillo. Otras formas de control de que el migrante en libertad con caso pendiente no se desaparece son el uso de telà ©fonos que reconocen la voz o de aplicaciones que realizan reconocimientos faciales. Fianza migratoria: no puede ser inferior a los $1,500 pero puede ser muy superior a esa cantidad. Antes de dejar a una persona libre bajo fianza se mira y mucho si tiene historial criminal. Los extranjeros que no son residentes permanentes legales y que han cometido un delito considerado agravado no pueden beneficiarse de las fianzas. Si no se tiene el dinero para una fianza, es posible acudir a una empresa autorizada para este tipo de asuntos. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que las condiciones pueden ser duras. Frecuentemente exigen que el migrante lleve un grillete con GPS que comunica a la empresa en todo momento donde se encuentra. Los migrantes pueden verse forzados a firmar contratos largos en inglà ©s que no entienden y a pagar una cuota de inicio de contrato, el 20 por ciento del total de la fianza ms $420 al mes por el uso del grillete. Si ICE decide que el migrante debe seguir detenido Todos los migrantes pasan a estar bajo la custodio del ICE en su rama que se conoce como ERO (Office of Enforcement Removal Operations). ERO tiene  centros de detencià ³n repartidos por todo el territorio de los Estados Unidos, si bien la mayorà ­a est en los estados fronterizos con Mà ©xico. Los centros de detencià ³n pueden pertenecer al gobierno federal, a los estados o departamentos policiales locales e, incluso, a empresas privadas.   Los detenidos son distribuidos segà ºn el nà ºmero de espacio disponible en cada centro de detencià ³n  y tambià ©n teniendo en cuenta: si son menores que han llegado sin la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a de un adulto y han sido arrestados tras cruzar ilegalmente la separa hombres de mujeres  y tambià ©n se intenta separar  a los que tienen un pasado criminal de los que no lo tienen La consecuencia de ello es que personas arrestadas, por ejemplo, cruzando ilegalmente en Texas, se las envà ­a a un centro de detencià ³n en Arizona (alejado, pero tambià ©n en la frontera sur) o se les embarca en un vuelo y se les envà ­a a un lugar tan lejano como puede ser Massachusetts. Si estn detenidos podrn realizar una llamada local gratuita a un familiar, abogado o ONG. A continuacià ³n deber pagar por todas las llamadas, para lo cual los familiares pueden enviarle dinero al centro de detencià ³n. En este punto, el migrante que permanece detenido puede solicitar a una vista ante un juez migratorio para que se establezca una fianza para quedar libre mientras se tramita el caso o para pedir una rebaja a la misma, si es que ya ha sido fijada. Cargos que se establecen contra el inmigrante Tanto si el migrante est detenido como si se le ha dejado en libertad, Inmigracià ³n inicia un procedimiento de deportacià ³n en su contra que puede ser notificado mediante uno de los dos documentos. Por un lado, una carta que se conoce como Notice of Appear (NTA). Se le puede dar al inmigrante en persona o enviarse  por correo. En la carta, adems de establecerse los cargos, se seà ±ala que debe presentarse en una corte de inmigracià ³n en fecha y hora estipulada.   Por otro, un Warrant of Arrest. Este es otro documento en el que se seà ±ala el tipo de acusacià ³n. Es muy comà ºn en los casos de indocumentados agarrados recià ©n ingresando ilegalmente a Estados Unidos. Tanto los que estn en libertad como los detenidos se enfrentan a un proceso de remocià ³n, que puede tomar formas distintas. Por ejemplo, deportacià ³n, salida voluntaria, procedimiento de remocià ³n rpido, etc. Va a depender del tipo de cargo, de la forma de llegada al paà ­s y, en este à ºltimo caso, de si tiene mucho tiempo de presencia en Estados Unidos y est asentado y no tiene rà ©cord criminal. El migrante, por su parte, puede estar de acuerdo o intentar ganar el caso solicitando un alivio como puede ser el asilo, VAWA, cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n, etc. En todos los casos, es aconsejable contactar con un buen abogado de migracià ³n porque su intervencià ³n es importante a la hora de incrementar las oportunidades para ganar un caso. Segà ºn un estudio del American Immigration Council, solo un 2 por ciento de los migrantes sin abogado ganan los casos de deportacià ³n. Consejos para comunicarse con un detenido y para obtener la mejor defensa Si se sospecha que una persona extranjera ha sido detenida y est bajo la custodia de las autoridades de inmigracià ³n existe un procedimiento para intentar averiguar su paradero. Si encuentra que est efectivamente recluido en un centro de detencià ³n y est en Texas, se puede buscar informacià ³n sobre detenidos como por ejemplo sobre cà ³mo comunicarse por telà ©fono. Adems es extremadamente importante buscar un abogado migratorio.  Para los migrantes que llevan muchos aà ±os en Estados Unidos, verificar si estn con  proteccià ³n 245(i) para migrantes con peticiones muy antiguas a su favor. Si no se puede pagar, hacer el esfuerzo de encontrar uno que actà ºe pro bono (sin cobrar) o al menos consultar con una organizacià ³n de apoyo a inmigrantes reputada.   En el caso de migrantes mexicanos, desde prisià ³n se puede  marcar gratis al centro de la CIAM.  Entre otros servicios que brindan, el detenido puede solicitar que contacten con sus familiares en los Estados Unidos o Mà ©xico. Deportacià ³n desde los Estados Unidos Si se produce una deportacià ³n, es importante conocer cul  es el castigo, si la intencià ³n del migrante es regresar a Estados Unidos. En algunas ocasiones ser posible solicitar el perdà ³n I-212. Incluso es posible que sea necesario pedir conjuntamente otro perdà ³n ms. En este punto es fundamental estar bien asesorados, ya que hay muchas personas sin escrà ºpulos que asegurar poder arreglar el problema a cambio de una importante cantidad de dinero y al final resulta que todo es un fraude. En todo caso, lo que hay que evitar es ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos despuà ©s de una deportacià ³n porque eso produce una situacià ³n de prohibicià ³n permanente.   Este artà ­culo tiene una finalidad meramente informativa. No es consejo legal.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organisations have different forms ranging from sole trader to large Essay

Organisations have different forms ranging from sole trader to large multinational corporations. Choose an organization of your choice and complete the followin - Essay Example The Coca-Cola is one of the most celebrated brands among all the world-class products and industries. The title, trademark and logo of this giant organisation are thought to be the symbol of reliance and confidence. Introduced in May 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, Coca-Cola company has become very much popular among the people of various age groups and socioeconomic classes all over the globe. Right now, it is at the top in respect of sales among the soft drinks, mineral water and food products of the globe. During the last many decades, the organisation has been the sponsor of mega events and grand ceremonies including Olympic Games, World Cups, G-8 conferences and other domestic, national and international ceremonies. An international organisation makes its plans and devises its strategy for the people of the whole world without discrimination; so it always maintains a universal thoughtfulness and a global vision while manufacturing and selling its products. The products of a multinational organisation are welcomed and well-known at divergent parts of the world, which enhances its popularity and unconditionally supports the company in respect of its sales volume and sound reputation. A global product always paves the way towards innovative ideas in manufacturing and marketing, which is also beneficial for the local brands to improve their quality and present their products to the customers in a refined way. An international brand contains its offices, outlets and factories everywhere on the Earth, where it hires the services of the people as its employees in every country, which is highly supportive in respect of introducing new products and presenting novel ideas in a refined way.. The multinational brand has wide range of its consumers, which not only results in the manufacturing of new tastes, but the brilliant brains existing everywhere as the employees of the company do not let the rival brands beat their company. A

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Greenhouse Business Challenge and Carbon Footprint - Australia Assignment

Greenhouse Business Challenge and Carbon Footprint - Australia - Assignment Example The paper "Greenhouse Business Challenge and Carbon Footprint – Australia" explores the environmental issues connected with the threats arising from carbon footprints. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and other equivalent gases are very harmful to the environment. The combined effect of such gases is called carbon footprints. This is a very important area of concern for the world. In countries like Australia where the majority of national income is generated from oil, petroleum and mining industry, carbon footprint is a serious matter of discussion. One of the largest oil and petroleum gas producing company of Australia called Woodside has also taken several voluntary as well as cost-effective measures to reduce emission rate of their business. Woodside considers customised emission reduction plans for each of their project plans. They have emission reduction strategies and models for their different projects. Companies such as BP have also taken measures like implanting solar plants for installing solar panels. It has decided to supply electricity to its retail stores through these solar energy generated electricity. The government of Australia has also taken strict measures imposing carbon tax on companies to limit their carbon emission. Companies are disappointed through such policy because the carbon tax is not fixed and this would affect the revenue of the company. So it would be recommended that the government of Australia can revise the rate of carbon tax for the country.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Winter versus Summer Driving Essay Example for Free

Winter versus Summer Driving Essay Winter driving is vastly different from summer driving. A different set of driving skills is required in the winter due to extreme weather conditions. Winter is by far the hardest season for drivers to navigate, while the summer is the easiest. This essay will compare and contrast winter and summer driving to show that winter is the most technically difficult. Winter and summer driving are similar in that both seasons require one to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. The basic driving decisions are always the same no matter what the season. One must always signal appropriately, pay attention to traffic and other drivers around, and generally concentrate on getting from one point to another. Winter and summer driving are very different in the types of weather conditions present. In the summer, there is generally less rain and snow to make the roadway conditions hazardous. With dry pavement, cars and drivers respond quicker to situations, avoiding accident potentials. In the winter, rain and snow make the roads slick and less forgiving in dangerous situations. Even if a driver is attentive, winter conditions may cause a vehicle to spin out of control at the slightest touch of the brakes. Winter drivers must be more cautious of distance between cars in case one needs to stop quickly. Winter drivers may also have to contend with frost and condensation on the windows of cars. Both can decrease visibility and reduce driver awareness. Summer is generally warmer and dryer, reducing the chance of frost and condensation problems. All in all, summer driving is more forgiving than winter driving. Weather conditions in the winter can render roadways very dangerous, requiring increased driver skill. The summer roadways are less wet and icy than winter roads, allowing drivers to avoid potential threats much quicker with less reaction time. Winter driving requires higher reaction times, larger technical skill, and a higher level of vehicle maintenance for optimal driving conditions.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Viennese School Essay -- Musical Composers Classical Style Essays

The Viennese School   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Viennese School is the reason for some of today's most popular classical music. This school of composers started during the Classical Period, 1740-1825. At the time the Austrian capital of Vienna was the musical center for composers, which soon became reason for many of the changes that were made to musical style. Composers came from all over Europe to train in Vienna in the classical time period. One of the great composer that came to Vienna is Franz Schubert he soon started a style of music called Viennese School that made many changes to the style of music as well as changes to instrumentation. The arrangements became one form to another while keeping certain similar characteristics, music became lighter and more complex, and melodies and harmonies became more complicated with more separate parts happening all at once. The instrumentation that was popular also changed. Solos, trios, quartets, and quintets became popular, beside large orchestras.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The three composers that made the music, which are called the founding fathers of the Viennese School, are Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. These composers studied together sometimes with one taking lessons from another. Mozart took lessons from Haydn when he was a young musician, also Beethoven took lessons from Mozart. Beethoven was taught by Haydn. Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven are known for their similarities in their musical style. They all seemed to follow a set of basic rules wh... The Viennese School Essay -- Musical Composers Classical Style Essays The Viennese School   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Viennese School is the reason for some of today's most popular classical music. This school of composers started during the Classical Period, 1740-1825. At the time the Austrian capital of Vienna was the musical center for composers, which soon became reason for many of the changes that were made to musical style. Composers came from all over Europe to train in Vienna in the classical time period. One of the great composer that came to Vienna is Franz Schubert he soon started a style of music called Viennese School that made many changes to the style of music as well as changes to instrumentation. The arrangements became one form to another while keeping certain similar characteristics, music became lighter and more complex, and melodies and harmonies became more complicated with more separate parts happening all at once. The instrumentation that was popular also changed. Solos, trios, quartets, and quintets became popular, beside large orchestras.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The three composers that made the music, which are called the founding fathers of the Viennese School, are Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. These composers studied together sometimes with one taking lessons from another. Mozart took lessons from Haydn when he was a young musician, also Beethoven took lessons from Mozart. Beethoven was taught by Haydn. Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven are known for their similarities in their musical style. They all seemed to follow a set of basic rules wh...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Death and Dying: Before and After Stages Essay

Each new day begins with a sunrise. It brings to earth a new light that has never been seen before. The new light starts small and gradually reaches its peak in the vast sky. It nourishes the land, provides warmth and comfort, and inspires epic tales. As the day ages the light slowly sinks behind the horizon leaving behind brilliant splashes of color as if to reflect upon its accomplishment, but the pallet of colors will quickly fade to black as the light leaves the sky to go to places unknown. Even though the day was bright and created wonder it must give way to the tranquil, mysterious, and cool night. Just as the dawn must give to the night each birth must yield to an eventual death. The night, like death, holds a sense mystery and tranquility for some. To others it invokes all the horrors found in the scariest nightmares. While man may find ways to prolong the inevitable, each must yield to the waning light and go into that which he may have no knowledge of prior to the journey. It is a journey he will make alone. He will be stripped of all his earthly possession including his body. Only his soul will be allowed to pass into the dusk; the time of night. My friends, he must die and yet you must live on. As with every story, death too, has more than one perspective. The lone warrior who must take the solitary journey and the spectators watching the eternal sunset both have their story about the same event, but each story is unique. The dying and their family do not have to face the uncertainty and often fearful process alone however. Organizations such as RMH Hospice Care can help both the dying and their loved ones. Any person that has a terminal diagnosis, and is not expected to live for more than six months is eligible for Hospice assistance. Hospice Care helps to alleviate the stress that is encountered during the dying process by taking a holistic approach to treatment. It often severs as an educational tool to the person and their family. Hospice also provides awareness of the options that are available to the dying person. They also seek to educate the community and health care workers. The word hospice comes from the root word for hospitality in Latin. In basic  terms Hospice means to provide hospitality to the dying person and their family. This means giving palliative or comfort care to the dying and helping their loved ones in many ways. Hospice nurses provide medications to the clients that help to alleviate pain, ease breathing and treat depression that accompanies the process of dying. The nurses also educated the family so that they can understand better what is happening with their loved ones. Hospice workers also provide some counseling to the family and patient. After the death they continue to keep in touch with the family. Historically nuns were caring for the dying persons in monasteries prior to the construction of hospitals. The word hospital also comes for the Latin word for hospitality. In the late sixties a doctor named Dame Saunders applied the term Hospice to the care of the dying (History of Hospice Care – The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization). She would also introduce the practice of caring for the dying to the United States. One of the purposes hospice serves is to help the dying person and their family to work through the stages and processes of accepting the fact death will occur and to provide help for the family after the death of their loved one. Hospice workers are aware of and educate about the stages that Elisabeth Kubler-Ross introduced to the realm of death and dying. The dying person experiences intimately the process of dying that Elisabeth Kubler-Ross identified, but their loved ones who are left behind after the death experience the grief associated with the loss of a loved one must complete the tasks of mourning identified by William Worden in order to achieve an acceptable quality of life without their loved one. Everyone reaches a point in their life when they understand that they will die. Sometimes this revelation comes as a part of a terminal disease diagnosis. Other times it is simply the realization that their age is greater than the time they have left. When the time of death is near those who are dying often begin working though a process that Elisabeth Kubler-Ross presented in the late sixties. She identified five steps that the dying person works through. These steps are now looked at as process because a person may go between the steps and in various orders (L.Bee &  Bjorklund, 2005). Kubler-Ross identified denial, anger, barraging, depression, and acceptance as the processes that dying person experience. Denial is simply denying that one is close to death. The person may continue to present the illusion that there is nothing wrong with them. A woman with breast cancer was observed by her friends as refusing to have surgery, and sought out several â€Å"second† opinions. A man in hospice care because of prostate cancer may tell the nurse who is making a home visit, â€Å"I don’t know why you are here I am fine.† One particular client who lives in a nursing facility with several levels of care has recently been moved to the special care unit because of his terminal condition and the new requirements of care. He is in deep denial despite his diagnose of terminal lung cancer. He has made no effort to commission a will. He has established no living will or a person to act as his power of attorney should he be unable to make decisions concerning his medical needs or finances. He has even refused to meet with the social worker. His daughter is currently going through le gal process to obtain power of attorney. She requested Hospice care for him. A hospice nurse met with him, and he agreed to sign consent and keep his current DNR status active, but he stated, â€Å"I am only doing this so Sally will leave me alone.† He still refuses to fill out the wish book given to him by hospice. The wish book allows for the dying persons to write down wishes they would liked honored as they are dying and after they are dead. It is assumable that he feels there is no need to express this information because he is â€Å"fine.†Denial from family members can also be seen. Aides and nurses who go to the homes of the hospice clients report denial from family members as a part of their observations. At a home visit one hospice nurse has met opposition from the daughters of a 59 year old man in the Hospice program. She is reluctant to sign important papers because â€Å"daddy is gonna live a long time still,† despite his need for high amounts of oxygen and advancing congestive heart failure. Another man, observed at an assistant living facility in Harrisonburg by a nurses aid working on the special care unit, response to his 69 wife’s terminal cancer diagnosis and recent move to the new unit by saying â€Å"those d@#n doctors they don’t know anything anyway. She’ll pull through this. She’s been through worse.† He is reflecting upon the first time she was diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago. This time however  she has chosen to not go through the aggressive treatments for her cancer. Anger is another process identified by Kubler-Ross. Anger refers to the feelings felt once the person realizes they are dying. It is only natural for a person feel angry at the loss of their most precious asset. Anger is sometimes seen in sudden outburst. An elderly woman at an assistant living facility who is normally peaceful and quite was observed by a student throwing her little glass birds in her room and cursing God a few days after receiving bad news from her doctor. In the same facility the student was confronted with a young man who has AIDS. He was almost unapproachable because of his hatred of persons with much life ahead of them. Anger is not restricted to the dying person only. Family members experience this emotion as well. A middle age man whose wife is visit frequently by a hospice nurse due to the effects of the end stages of terminal cancer curses God for taking his wife instead of someone who had done terrible deeds. He clenches his fist and looks to the sky as if to challenge God himself. Anger is reflected in family members of an elderly woman who has suffered a fall as the result of neglect. The fall caused much trauma for the woman, and it became evident she would not recover from the damage. Her family vocalizes their anger and feelings of unfairness to the aides who care for their mother in the special care unit. Bargaining is the offer of a sacrifice in return for more life. The dying cancer patient may ask God to grant him life until the end of the holiday season, and he will ask for nothing else. A little woman in a hospice care program asked God to grant her enough time to see her gardens bloom one last time. This too was a last request. Another gentleman promised good behavior and greater religious commitment in return for a longer life. Bargaining is also seen among family members. They are willing to give up a lot in order to preserve a loved one’s life. For example the middle age man losing his wife to terminal cancer reported asking God to save his wife, and take his instead. He also promised to be a better person and give more money to the church. To show that he was serious he donated several thousand from  the sale of property to the church. His sincerity and hurt made the observer want to cry. He was clearly trying to save his wife’s life. Depression affects the mental health of the dying. Depression in the dying is a reaction to the disorder of their life created by the disease and because of the realization that they must prepare to meet death (Strickland, 2005). Depression in the dying person is often observed by caregivers in the form of the refusal to eat, not going out, refusing to see other people, and showing no interests in hobbies they one enjoyed. The man with congestive heart failure often enjoyed building small wooden toys. When asked if he had been in his workshop lately he said, â€Å"No, just have not felt like it. Not really much point.† The young man suffering from AIDS has not turned on his playstation in a month. He used to play several hours a day. His mother has offered him several new games. Acceptance of one’s death is not the same as giving up. It is actually the act of accepting death in a manner that allows for the need reflection of the life lived. The middle aged woman with terminal cancer put her â€Å"affairs in order,† made all her own funeral arrangements so her family would not have to, and dictated her living will and estate will to her attorney. She has accepted her own mortality. An elderly woman has sold property she does not use, started giving away her possessions to family members, and is writing her memories in a journal. She also decided to empty her bank account and split the money between her five grandchildren. With a evil little smiled she said, â€Å"Now the greedy lawyers won’t get a dime of it.†During the last week of his wife’s life the middle aged man came to accept his wife’s very near death. He quit asking for her life to be extended. When he asked for the nurse and aide to join him in prayer he now prayed for comfort and a peaceful passing for his wife. He asked for guidance in the days after her death. He also asked her what she wanted to be buried in. He knew she was a particular woman when it came to dressing. A person or family member can experience these stages in any order. They may also experience more than one stage at once. For example the man with congestive heart failure had accepted the fact that he would soon be dying,  but he still bargained for more time. He wanted to live though his daughter’s wedding. He felt he could die in peace if he could attend his youngest daughter’s wedding. Anger was the first reaction to one woman’s terminal diagnosis, but instead of bargaining she went into depression. Her depression was often mixed with angry actions. If she bargained it was in her personal space and time. On the eve of her death she became afraid to be alone, and she verbalized for the first time her acceptance of death. â€Å"I do not want to die alone. Please stay with me,† she asked several aids in the nursing home she lived in. The young man with AIDS knows he is dying and he is quick to state â€Å"I am going to die soon,† and he has signe d a DNR form, made request for his funeral, and signed his property over to his mother. He show acceptance by the above mentioned acts, he is still very angry and considers himself unjustly persecuted by the Gods, he can be heard often barraging for more time, and is severely depressed. The only stage he seems not to be in is denial. It is possible in the depths of his mind he may still try to convince himself that he normal, well, and has many years to live. Denial was once an issue for him however, for nearly six years he refused treatment for HIV because he did not want to admit he was carrying the virus in his blood. He pursued numerous â€Å"second opinions.†Family members display the same fluidity in the stages indentified by Kubler-Ross. The daughter who refused to sign important papers for her father because she felt he was not in the dying process eventually agreed to sign them. However she stated, â€Å"I do not think he is dying, but I need the help so I will sign them.† The family angry because of the neglect that lead to the terminal condition of their mother never let go of the angry feelings even though they moved through the four other processes. The middle aged man was depressed during the time his wife was dying. He also bargained with God despite being angry with him. In a few cases the family members simply accepted the fact their loved one was dying. If there were any of the other stages present they hid their feelings very well. In these cases the dying person was very old, had lived a full life, and there was not the presence of terminal illness. Once the loved one has passed away the tasks of mourning and recuperating from the loss is placed on the survivors. William Worden has established four tasks of mourning. These tasks must be met in order for the survivors to return to the quality of life that they experienced before the death of their loved one (Worden, 2001). These tasks, unlike Kubler-Ross’s stages, are worked through in order. Worden’s first task requires that the mourners â€Å"accept the reality of the loss,† (Worden, 2001). Worden acknowledges the reality of death is tough to accept even if the death was anticipated. In post-death visits done by Hospice this is most common seen in a verbal form. The daughter of the man who died from congestive heart failure remarked upon a comment made by an observer about the toy train her father had made, Daddy is- I mean was always good with his hands.† She had a hard time accepting the fact her father was dying, but is working into accepting his death. The middle aged husband who lost his wife to terminal cancer also showed signs of making the adjustment to accepting his loss. He would often say â€Å"it’s what she would’ve wanted me to do,† or she was this and she use to do that. A woman whose husband recently passed made the comment â€Å"that was my husband’s favorite ice cream,† at an ice cream social event at her assistant living facility. Sometimes this type of speech is noted before the person has passed away. Visitors of an elderly man who was in his last few hours of life were overheard saying, â€Å"He was a good man.† Nurses in nursing homes also do the same type of behavior. â€Å"She was sick, even though she is still sick, and â€Å"he wanted to die peacefully,† despite the fact he has not yet passed away. Funeral homes often help with the acceptance as well. The remembrance cards are written in past tense. Funeral directors give the option for an open casket funeral or viewing. The practice of being able to view the body of their loved one often helps people to accept their loss as reality. The ideas that are associated with a funeral and funeral parlors also help the surviving members to come to terms with the fact a loved one has died. Worden’s second task involves the chore of â€Å"working through the grief,† (Worden, 2001). Grief can include both physical, emotional and behavior aspects. It is often referred to as the â€Å"pain of loss, the empty space in my  heart, and nothingness.† Family members can become depressed after the loss. A newly widowed woman refuses to eat, and stays in her room. Prior to her husband’s death she was active within the assist living facility’s community As the weeks turned to months she began eating at every meal, and once again participating in the activities. Occasionally she will even make small humorous remarks about all the time she has now that she does not have to worry about her husband. Adjusting to the changed environment is the third tasks in Worden’s four tasks to mourning the loss of a loved one. The changed environment is the places where the loved one is missing from. The home, or apartment, and place of work are examples of the environments that experience a change when a person dies. When a widow allows for the removal of her husband’s clothes from her closet she is making a small change in the environment to reflect its change. In the case of the man who passed from the effect of chronic heart failure, his daughters removed the hospital bed from the living room, and returned the sofa and book cases. The same occurred in the house of the middle aged man whose wife died from terminal cancer. Part of this change was prompted by the fact that the hospital beds were rentals from medical supply companies. The nurse who did the follow-up visit to his home noted that the man had chosen to completely rearrange his living room after the hospital bed was moved. He also purchased some new furniture for the room. His daughter took to only setting the formal dining room with three table setting instead of the four place settings. The imbalanced of the table settings contrasted greatly with the theme of symmetry in the room. All the decorations and furniture in that room was bought in pairs and arranged evenly. The table looked odd with its uneven number of place settings. The granddaughter has removed all the blankets from the â€Å"sick room† (her reference to the living room) because they were only for sick people. Adjustment to the changed environment can sometimes be problematic when the environment the person occupied most during their last days were in a nursing home. Because rooms in a nursing facility are often in high demand the rooms have to cleared and cleaned quickly. In some cases this change occurs with hours after the person death. This can be upsetting to family  members who may have wanted to spend some quite time among their loved one things. Nurse aids often report that it makes them feel like the person meant nothing to anyone when the rooms are cleared and cleaned quickly. Even though the nurses only spend a short amount of time with the person their personalities often lend to quick attachments. Sometimes nurse aids will take keepsakes from the person room, with family permission of course. One nurse aid was given a house plant by the family of a resident she grew very close to. She still talks about the plant and the person frequently despite the passing of two years. The fourth task is to â€Å"emotionally relocate the deceased and moving on with life,† (Worden, 2001). To accomplish this task the mourner must acknowledge that while they will never forget or renounce their love for that person, there are other they can love (Worden, 2001). An example of this can be seen when a widowed person after sometime meets, falls in love with, and marries someone else. They understand that they will always love their first spouse, but they have accepted and properly mourned their loss. That being done they are able accept and give love to another person. Parents who have experienced the loss of a child may choose to become pregnant and have another child. They have not forgotten the child they once had and loved. They simply now realize that they can still have the love for the child that has died and for a new baby. A widow who goes out and seeks meaningful relationships among her peers so as not to be socially isolated is allowing for some of the â€Å"empty space in her heart† to be filled with the love and understanding found in the new friendships. When a person is in the twilight of their live they must work through stages like those attributed to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Along with the dying person the family also experiences the emotions linked with these stages. The dying person and their family may not experience the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance in order or at the same time. The person may experience more than one stage at a time. Once the sunset has set on a person’s live their family members are left with the chore of accepting the loss and mourning the dead. William Worden set  forth four tasks of mourning that if completed successfully the mourner will be able to return to the quality of life they experienced before their loss. The mourner must accept the loss, master their grief, acknowledge changed environments, and â€Å"relocate the deceased. (Worden, 2001)†While part of the grieving process starts before the death, and can be experienced with the dying person, the tasks of mourning are solely up to the survivors to complete. It is unknown what stage if any the deceased experience after their death. This is a heavily guarded secret only imparted to those who make the journey into the great unknown. Works Cited Gina Copp RGN, D. M. (1998). A Review of Current Theories of Death and Dying. Journal of Advanced Nursing , 382-390. Kipp, S. W., & Kemp, E. (n.d.). Consumer Awarness of the Legal Obligations of Funeral . L.Bee, H., & Bjorklund, B. (2005). The Journey of Adulthood. Boston: Pearson. Ph.D., T. A. (2007). The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life. New York: Sterling. Strickland, L. A. (2005). The last Dance:Encountering Death and Dying (7th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw. Terry, W., Olson, L., Wilss, L., & Boulton-Lewis, G. (2006). Experience of Dying: Concernc of Dying Patients. Internal Medicine journal , 338-346. Worden, W. (2001). Grief Counceling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Professional. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Coyote Blue Chapter 22

CHAPTER 22 Sprinkling the Son of the Morning Star Santa Barbara After almost twenty years as a salesman, Sam found that when he was confused his head filled with homilies that pertained to the profession. Win an argument, lose a sale. If you look hungry, you will be. You can't sell if you don't pitch. There were hundreds of them. He'd been running them through his mind for hours, trying to find some clue as to what he should do. The one that kept returning was Never confuse motion with progress. To leave the house in search of Calliope without a clue as to where she might be would be movement for the sake of movement. Progress would be actually finding a clue to her whereabouts. He had no idea where to start looking for clues, so he lay on his bed and smoked, and tried to convince himself that he didn't want her. She's probably found some other guy, he thought. Losing the kid is just an excuse, a cowardly Dear John letter. It was just a one-night stand and I refuse to let it mean more to me than it meant to her. I've got my life back, intact, and there's no room for a young girl and a child. Nope. I'll rest up today and get back to work tomorrow. After I close a couple of deals, this week will just seem like a bad dream. It was a good rationalization. Unfortunately, he didn't believe a word of it; he was worried about her. Sam closed his eyes and tried to imagine the pages of his appointment book. It was a visualization he used to relax, a salesman's version of counting sheep. He saw the days and weeks spread out in front of him, and he filled in the blanks with lunches and prospects. By each of the names he made mental notes on how he would approach the pitch. Before long he was lost in a world of presentations and objections; the image of the girl faded away. As he started to doze off he heard the sound of heavy breathing. He rolled on his side and steamy hot dog breath hit him in the face. He didn't open his eyes. There was no need to. He knew Coyote had returned. Perhaps if he feigned sleep the trickster would go away, so he lived there in the land of dog breath. A wet nose prodded his ear. At least he hoped it was a nose. With Coyote's sexual habits it could be†¦. No, he still smelled the breath. It was the nose. I'm asleep, go away. I'm asleep, go away, he thought. He'd seen opossums try the same method to fool oncoming semi trucks, and it was working about as well for him. He felt the coyote climb onto the bed. Then he felt a paw on each of his shoulders. He groaned as he thought a truly sleeping guy might groan. Coyote whimpered and Sam could feel the canine nose press against his own. Dog breath, Sam mused, seems to have no distinction to it, yet it is distinctly dog breath. You could be at the cologne counter at Bloomingdale's, and someone could mist your wrist with an atomizer, and a single whiff would reveal the elusive scent to be dog breath as surely as if it had been squozen straight from the dog. Yet, what a wide spectrum of foulness dog breath can span, both in odor and humidity. This particular version of dog breath, he felt, is especially steamy, and carries a top note of stale cigarettes and coffee, as well as the usual fetid meat and butthole smells found in more common dog breath. This, he thought, is supernatural dog breath. I'm not likely to be breathed upon by another dog in my lifetime that has recently enjoyed a Marlboro over a cup of Java. Despite his effort to distract himself with dog breath aesthetics, Sam's tolerance was wearing out and he thought he might sneeze or throw up any second. Coyote licked him on the mouth. â€Å"Yuck!† Sam sat upright and wiped his mouth on his arm. â€Å"Ack!† He shivered involuntarily and looked at the big coyote, who grinned at him from the end of the bed. â€Å"There was no need for that,† Sam said. Coyote whimpered and rolled over on his back in submission. Sam got up from the bed and grabbed his cigarettes from the nightstand. â€Å"Why are you back? You said you were gone for good.† Coyote began to change into his human form. No longer afraid, Sam watched the transformation with fascination. In a few seconds Coyote sat on the bed in his black buckskins wearing the coyote-skin headdress. â€Å"Got a smoke?† he asked. Sam shook one out of the pack and lit it for the trickster. Sam took a small plastic box from his shirt pocket and held it out to Coyote. â€Å"Breath mint?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"I insist,† Sam said. Coyote took the box and shook out a mint, popped it in his mouth, and handed the box back to Sam. â€Å"The girl is going to Las Vegas.† â€Å"I don't care.† The lie tasted foul in his mouth. â€Å"If she tries to take her child from the biker she will be hurt.† â€Å"It's not my problem. Besides, she'll probably find another guy to help her out.† Sam felt both righteous and cowardly for saying it. This role he was playing no longer fit. Quickly he added, â€Å"I don't need the trouble.† â€Å"In the buffalo days your people used to say that a wife stolen and returned was twice the wife she had been.† â€Å"They aren't my people and she's not my wife.† â€Å"You can be afraid, just don't act like it.† â€Å"What does that mean? You're worse than Pokey with your fucking riddles.† â€Å"You lost Pokey. You lost your family. You lost your name. All you have left is your fear, white man.† Coyote flipped his cigarette at Sam. It hit him in the chest and hot ashes showered on the bed. Sam patted out the embers and brushed himself off. â€Å"I didn't ask for you to come here. I don't owe the girl anything.† But he did owe her. He wasn't sure what for yet, except that she had cut something loose in him. Why couldn't he cut loose the habit of fear? Coyote went to the bedroom window and stared out. Without turning he said, â€Å"Do you know about the Crows who scouted for General Custer?† Sam didn't answer. â€Å"When they told Custer that ten thousand Lakota and Cheyenne warriors were waiting for him at the Little Bighorn he called them liars and rode on. The Crow scouts didn't owe Custer anything, but they painted their faces black and said, ‘Today is a good day to die. â€Å" â€Å"The point?† Sam bristled. â€Å"The point is that you will never know what they knew – that courage is its own reward.† Sam sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at Coyote's back. The red feathers across the buckskin shirt seemed to move on the black surface of Coyote's shirt. Sam wondered if he might not be light-headed from prolonged dog breath inhalation, but then the feathers drew a scene, and in a whirl of images and feathers, Sam was back on the reservation again. There were three of them: boys hiding in the sagebrush by the road that led into the Custer Battlefield National Monument. Two were Crow, one Cheyenne. They were there on a dare that had started in ninth-grade gym class. The largest boy, the Cheyenne, was from the Broken Tooth family – descendants of a warrior who fought with Crazy Horse and Red Cloud on this very land. â€Å"You going to do it?† said Eli Broken Tooth. â€Å"Or are you full of shit like all Crows?† â€Å"I said I'd do it,† Samson said. â€Å"But I'm not going to be stupid about it.† â€Å"What about you, breed?† Eli asked Billy Two Irons. â€Å"You a chickenshit?† Broken Tooth had been taunting Billy about his mixed blood for the whole school year and citing his own â€Å"pure Indian† lineage. The fact was that in buffalo days the mortality rate had been so high for young plains warriors that a woman might have three or four husbands in her lifetime, and have children by them all. Sometimes one of the husbands was a white man, yet since they all traced their kinship through their mother's line, the white ancestor could easily be forgotten. Billy said, â€Å"I'll bet you got a few whiteys in your wigwam you don't even know about, Broken Dick.† Samson laughed and the others shushed him. The security guard was making a pass by the monument's high wrought-iron gate. They ducked their heads. A flashlight beam passed over them, paused, and moved on as the guard turned to walk up the hill toward the Custer burial site. â€Å"You going to do it?† Eli asked. â€Å"Once he's past the grave he has to go check on the Reno site. He'll take the jeep for that. When we hear the jeep, we'll go.† â€Å"Sure you will,† said Eli. â€Å"You coming?† Samson asked. He was more than a little afraid. The monument was federal land, and this was a time when an Indian causing trouble on federal land was something the government was going to great lengths to discourage after the Alcatraz takeover and the killings at Pine Ridge. â€Å"I don't have to go,† Broken Tooth said. â€Å"My people put him there. I'll just sit here and twist up a doobie while you girls do your thing.† He grinned. â€Å"The gate will be the bitch,† Billy said. They looked at the fifteen-foot iron spears suspended between two stone pillars. There were only two cross members they could use as footholds. They watched the guard amble the hundred yards down the hill to the visitor center. When they heard the jeep fire up, Samson and Billy took off. They hit the gate at the same time. The gate swung with the impact and clanged against the chains and padlock that held it closed. They scrambled up the bars, then hung over spearpoints and dropped to the asphalt. As they let go the chain sent a loud clang ringing down the valley. They both landed on their butts. Samson looked to Billy. â€Å"You okay?† Billy jumped to his feet and dusted off his jeans. â€Å"How come the Indians in the movies can do this shit in complete stealth?† â€Å"Vocational training,† Samson said. He started running up the hill toward the monument. Billy followed. â€Å"Snake ahead,† Samson said as he ran. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Snake,† Sam repeated breathlessly. He leapt into the air over the big diamondback rattler that was lying in the road, warming itself on the asphalt. Billy saw the snake in time to pull up and slide on some loose gravel within striking distance. When he heard Billy's shoes sliding he stopped and turned. Billy said, â€Å"You were saying ‘Snake, right?† â€Å"Back away and go around, Billy.† Samson was so out of breath he could hardly talk. The rattler coiled. â€Å"I thought you were saying ‘Steak. I was wondering, Why is he yelling ‘Steak' at me?† â€Å"Back away and go around.† â€Å"‘Snake. Well, I guess this explains it.† Billy backed slowly away, then once out of striking distance ran a wide arc around the snake and up the hill. Samson fell in beside him. The monument was still a hundred yards away. â€Å"Pace yourself,† he said. â€Å"Did you say ‘Snake' again?† Billy said between pants. Rather than answer, Samson fell into a trot. The monument was a twenty-foot granite obelisk set on a ten-foot base at the top of a hill that overlooked the entire Little Bighorn basin. â€Å"Let's do it,† Samson said, heaving in breaths. The hill had been longer and steeper than he'd thought. Billy unzipped his pants and stood beside Samson, who had already bared his weapon. â€Å"You know,† Billy said, â€Å"it would have been easier to gang up on Eli and beat the shit out of him.† â€Å"I think I hear the jeep coming back,† Samson said. A long yellow stream arced out of Billy and splashed the side of the monument. â€Å"Then you better get going.† Samson strained. â€Å"I can't.† Billy grunted, trying to force his urine to run faster. â€Å"Go, man. That's headlights.† â€Å"I can't.† Billy finished and zipped up, then turned to face Samson. â€Å"Think rivers, think waterfalls.† â€Å"It won't come.† â€Å"Come on, Samson. He's coming. Relax.† â€Å"Relax? How can-â€Å" â€Å"Okay, relax in a hurry.† Samson pushed until his eyes bugged. He felt a trickle, then a stream coming. â€Å"Push it, Samson. He's coming.† Billy began to back down the hill. â€Å"Push it, man.† The jeep's headlights broke over the hill and descended toward the monument. â€Å"Duck!† Billy said. Samson squatted by the base of the monument and managed to stream urine down both pant legs before he got himself reaimed. Billy dove for cover next to Samson. â€Å"Did you say ‘Duck'?† Samson whispered. â€Å"Shut up,† Billy snapped. Despite his fear, the adrenaline had made Samson giddy. He grinned at Billy. â€Å"I thought you were saying ‘Truck, which would have made more sense, but-â€Å" â€Å"Would you shut up?† Billy risked a peek at the road. The jeep was coming toward them, rather than returning to the visitor center where it had started. As the jeep approached the monument, they worked their way around its base, keeping the obelisk between themselves and the guard. â€Å"He won't stop, will he?† Billy said. Samson could hear the jeep slowing as it passed the monument on the other side of them, not twenty feet away. They held their crouch until the jeep descended the hill and stopped halfway to the gate. â€Å"He sees footprints,† Billy said. â€Å"On asphalt?† â€Å"He saw us. I'm going to end up in jail like my brother.† â€Å"No, look, it's the fucking snake. He's waiting for it to get out of the road.† Indeed, the guard was inching the jeep forward slowly enough for the rattler to slither off into the grass. When the snake was gone the jeep revved up and continued down the hill, by the iron gate, and back around to the back of the visitor center. â€Å"Let's go,† Billy said. They ran down the road, Samson almost falling while trying to zip his pants and run at the same time. As they reached the gate Samson grabbed Billy's shoulder and pulled him back. â€Å"What the fuck?† Billy said. Samson pointed to the chain. Billy nodded in understanding. The clanging. Samson went to the center of the gate and grasped it. â€Å"Go,† he said. â€Å"When you get over, hold it for me.† Without hesitation Billy leapt to the gate and climbed over, sliding down the opposite side instead of dropping as before. He held the gate and Samson started over. As Samson reached the top of the gate and was working his feet between the spearpoints, he heard Eli's laughing from down the road and he looked up. A second later he heard a metal fire door slam at the visitor center. The quick turn took his balance and he tried to jump, but one of the spearpoints caught his jeans leg and he was slammed upside down into the gate. Billy held the chain, but there was a dull clank as Samson's forehead hit the bars. It took Samson a second to realize that he was still hanging from the gate, his head still eight feet off the ground. â€Å"Unhook your leg,† Billy said. â€Å"I'll catch you.† In this position Samson was facing the visitor center. He could see some lights going on inside. He struggled to push himself up on the bar, but the spearpoint was barbed. â€Å"I can't get it.† â€Å"Shit,† Billy said. He held the gate with one hand and drew a flick knife from his back pocket with the other. â€Å"I'll come up and cut you down.† â€Å"No, don't let go of the gate,† Samson said. â€Å"Fuck it,† Billy said. He let go of the gate and it clanged with Samson's swinging weight. Billy jumped on the bars and as he climbed Samson could hear the fire door open and slam again, then footsteps. Billy stood at the top of the stone pillar and put the knife to Samson's pant leg. â€Å"When I cut, keep hold of the bars.† Billy pulled the knife blade through the denim and Samson flipped over and slammed the bars again, this time right side up. The gate clanged again. Samson heard the jeep starting and saw the beams of the headlights come out from behind the visitor center. He looked to Billy. â€Å"Jump!† Billy leapt from the fifteen-foot pillar. As he hit the pavement he yowled and crumpled. â€Å"My ankle.† Samson looked to the visitor center, where the jeep was pulling out. He grabbed Billy under the armpits and dragged him down into the ditch. They waited, breathlessly, as the jeep stopped and the guard, gun drawn, checked the lock and chain once again. After the guard left they crawled down the ditch toward Eli. When he came into view, Samson helped Billy to his feet and supported him while he limped up to the big Cheyenne, who was taking a deep hit on a joint. â€Å"Want a hit?† he croaked, holding the joint out to Billy. Billy took the joint, sat down in the grass, and took a hit. Eli let out a cloud of smoke and laughed. â€Å"That was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life.† Then he spotted the wet streaks on Samson's pants. â€Å"What happened, Hunts Alone? I thought you were going to piss on Custer's grave. You get so scared you wet yourself?† He threw back his head to laugh and Samson wound up and tagged him on the jaw with a vicious roundhouse punch. Eli dropped to the ground and didn't move. Samson looked at his damaged fist, then at Eli, then at Billy Two Irons. He grinned. Billy said, â€Å"You couldn't have done that twenty minutes ago and saved us all this trouble, could you?† â€Å"You're right,† Samson said. â€Å"I couldn't have done that twenty minutes ago. Let's get out of here before he comes to.† Samson helped Billy to his feet, then out of the ditch onto the road. As they headed toward Crow Agency it seemed to get darker as they walked, then darker still, until there was no light at all and Sam was in his bedroom staring at the back of a black buckskin shirt trimmed with red woodpecker feathers. â€Å"It was a stupid thing to do,† Sam said. â€Å"It was brave,† Coyote said. â€Å"It would have been stupid if you had failed.† â€Å"We found out later that Custer wasn't even buried there. His body was taken to West Point, so it was all for nothing.† â€Å"And what about the night on the dam? Was that all for nothing?† â€Å"How do you know about that?† Coyote turned and stared at Sam with his arms crossed, his golden eyes shining with delight. â€Å"That was nothing but trouble,† Sam said finally. â€Å"Would you do it again?† â€Å"Yes,† Sam said without thinking. â€Å"And the girl is nothing but trouble?† Coyote said. Sam heard the words echoing in his mind. Going after the girl was the right thing to do. After all the years of doing the safe thing, it was time to do the right thing. He said, â€Å"You really piss me off sometimes, you know that?† â€Å"Anger is the gods' way of letting you know you are alive.† Sam got up and stood face-to-face with the trickster, trying to read something in his eyes. He moved forward until their noses almost touched. â€Å"All you know is that she's going to Las Vegas? No address or anything?† â€Å"Not so far. But if she misses them there, the biker is going on to South Dakota. She'll follow. I'll tell you the rest on the way.† â€Å"I don't suppose you could change into a Learjet or something practical.† Coyote shook his head. â€Å"Just living things: animals, bugs, rocks.† Sam reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out the box of breath mints, and handed them to Coyote. The trickster raised his eyebrows in query. Sam said, â€Å"Eat those. I can't handle dog breath through an eight-hour drive.†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stages of Cognitive Development essays

Stages of Cognitive Development essays This takes place from birth to 2 years and it is when an infant's knowledge of the world is limited to their sensory perceptions and motor activities. The behaviors are limited to simple motor responses. An infant will utilize skills and abilities they were born with when challenged or when they just want to explore the world. The infant lacks the concept of object permanence. When I was about to be 2 years old, my uncle would do magic tricks with a quarter. He would place the quarter in one hand, close it, move his hands around, and ask me in which hand the quarter was. I obviously chose the hand in which he placed the quarter in, but when he opened his hand, there was nothing there. I was smart enough to process in my mind that the quarter couldn't just disappear so I asked him to open his other hand. Just as I had thought, the quarter was there in his other hand and I was amazed at the fact that he teleported the coin from one hand to the other without opening his hands. I learned that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen or touched. This occurs from 2 to 7 years and is characterized by the increase of playing and pretending to be someone else. The characteristics include egocentrism, thinking the world revolves around them, and a difficulty of understanding conservation. And infant will think that the bigger bottle will have more water than the smaller bottle if they both have the same amount of water. I remember leaving I was at my aunt's house when I was 6 years old, my mom would pick me up around 4 and we would catch the bus in downtown. Once day we were walking towards the bus stop in downtown and I saw the train passing by. I thought that I knew how to get home and that I could lead my mom there. I also noticed that the train was quicker too. I insisted that we should take the train because it's faster and she just followed me. We got in the train and ended up going to long beach. We got out and I no...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analysis of Hamlet’s First Soliloquy

Scene 2 reveals for the first time Hamlets intimate, innermost thoughts to the audience. Hamlet has just been denied his request to study in Wittenberg, and is in a state of distress due to his fathers death, his mothers hasty marriage to his uncle Claudius, and his own inability to do anything in both occurrences. Through the use of figurative language such as allusions and comparisons, Shakespeare presents Hamlet in an emotional state of grief, bitterness, and disgust. This soliloquy lets the audience know explicitly how Hamlet is struggling with his mind. Hamlet wishes that his physical flesh could cease to exist : O that this too too solid flesh would melt,/Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! (133-135), and that God has not fixd His canon against self-slaughter (136). Because Hamlet considers life as weary, stale and pointless (137), suicide is a desirable alternative to him, but he will not go down that path because it is forbidden by religion. Hamlet compares life to a wild, unweeded garden (139) to dramatize his state of depression, and Shakespeare also employs this metaphor to symbolize the rotten things that are occurring in Denmark. They are things rank and gross in nature (140) that undoubtedly have a grave effect on Hamlet, such as King Claudiuss newfound authority over the country, and his marriage to Queen Gertrude, his sister in law. Hamlet’s struggle is also depicted through the slow beat, which matches his sorrow and lack of interest in the world. One of Hamlets passionate concerns throughout this soliloquy is that King Claudius is no match against the dead king, and Shakespeare alludes to Greek mythology to form comparisons between the two kings. For example, Hamlet uses the analogy â€Å"So excellent a king, that was to this/Hyperion to a satyr† (11-12) to express his view that his father is far superior to his uncle. In Greek mythology, Hyperion is the Titan God of light, whereas a satyr is half man and half goat creature associated with drinking, dancing, and lust. This analogy thus depicts Hamlet’s disgust over King Claudius asserting the position meant for a revered figure such as his father. Not only that, Hamlet describes his father as so loving towards his wife that he kept the â€Å"winds of heaven† from blowing too roughly on her face (145-146). This hyperbole serves to emphasize the King’s caring and loving attitude towards his wife, and at the same time, maintains the idea of him possessing God-like characterisics. Through the use of these devices, Shakespeare enables the audience to see that Hamlet has deep affections for his father, and is understandably grief stricken at his loss. The Queen’s lack of mourning for her husband’s death, and her haste in marrying King Claudius is another source of Hamlet’s loathing. Shakespeare again alludes to a Greek mythological character, princess Niobe, who could not stop crying over the death of her children , and was turned into a stone waterfall. This shows how unfaithful Queen Gertrude is as opposed to Niobe, who was turned eternally into a crying stone. Hamlet claims that she moved on within a month, and that even a beast â€Å"would have mourn’d longer†. The repetition of the words â€Å"a month† places emphasis on the speediness of the marriage : â€Å"By what it fed on: and yet, within a month A little month Than I to Hercules: within a month† (149-157). His sentences are not well constructed, and are often interjected, depicting his extreme, emotional state: â€Å"Like Niobe, all tears;- why she, even she, O God! † (1. 2. 153-154). Hamlet is betrayed by the queen’s quick recovery not only that, is disgusted at her â€Å"wicked speed† in which she jumps to â€Å"incestuous sheets†. He is so angered over the whole affair and this is depicted in the bitter and hateful tone of his speech; even the Queen’s tears are â€Å"unrighteous† and the whole marriage is an â€Å"incestuous† affair. When he exclaims â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman! † Shakespeare depicts Hamlet as a misogynist, who views women as easily manipulated and weak. Hamlet concludes that the marriage between his mother and uncle â€Å"cannot come to no good† (162), which implies that it will have an ill effect on Denmark. The soliloquy ends with him saying â€Å"But break my heart,- for I must hold my tongue† (164), which arouses some feelings of pity from the audience because Hamlet must suffer in silence. This soliloquy belays the reasons for Hamlets deep melancholy, confusion, and state of depression that persists throughout the play. The use of allusions, metaphors, and comparisons greatly heightens Hamlet’s state of grief, as well as the extent of his disgust towards the recent events that have deeply affected him. Shakespeare’s use of figurative languange and his style of writing in this soliloquy is therefore effective in creating an emotional scene of Hamlet venting out his despair for the first time.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Administrative Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Administrative Law - Essay Example etical case of Jen who has been refused GM-Free accreditation licence by the WA Minister for Primary Industries Therefore, the arguments herein present the tenets of procedural fairness in relation to an appeal to review administrative decision which has purportedly denied the applicant the expected due PF in line with the prevailing legislation.2 In its chronology, this paper looks at the basis of power and evidence used by the decision maker to arrive at the resolution in question. On the other hand, the discussion hereafter considers the legal facts as to whether Jen can effectively invoke denial of PF success in a judicial review of the Minister’s decision. Primarily, the legal framework of administrative law provides that an applicant must have been aggrieved by an executive decision for which a judicial review is being sought (Halliday, 2004: 146). Moreover, the Commonwealth Law allows the aggrieved individual to seek judicial review of an administrative decision that has perpetually compromised his personal interest as distinguished by Edley (1992:139) in the case of FAI Insurance; Blyth District Hospital Inc v South Australian Health Commission.3 In the case presented before us, Jen applied to the WA Ministry of Primary Industries for accreditation as a GM-Free canola grower in line with the requirements of the WA Genetically Modified-Free Grain Security and Accreditation Act 2006. Unfortunately, the Minister denied her accreditation on grounds that her property was deficient of the provisions of Section 10 of the aforementioned Act hereinafter referred to as the Act. In arriving at the decision, the Minister instituted Section 5 assessment as well as subsequent Section 12 inspection to ascertain the integrity of Jen’s property as read with the Ministerial Policy to safeguard the public interest against GMO contamination. Prior to Jen’s application, there was a prevailing Ministerial Policy advising against GM-Free accreditation for growers